
Swisher Community Blood Drive


Please help support patients at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital by donating with the University of Iowa DeGowin Blood Center. No matter what the season, the need for blood donors never goes away and we rely on a steady supply of donors, both platelet and whole blood, to ensure we have a strong blood supply all year round. If you are eligible to give, please consider doing so. To find an appointment that works for you, visit the DeGowin website: uihc.org/degowin and click “Start Your Donation Today” or call DeGowin at 319-356-2058.


  • Have a photo I.D. (Student/Work Badge or Driver’s License)
  • If you have received a COVID-19 vaccine, it is important to provide the manufacturer when you come to donate. We encourage you to bring your vaccination card to your donation appointment. In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who have received a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Please note, donors and staff are required to wear a face mask when they come to donate. Per CDC guidance, masks are still required in high-risk areas, including hospitals and blood donation areas. If donors do not have a face mask, they will be provided with one when they arrive.
  • Be at least 17 years old or 16 years old with signed parent/guardian consent.
    • 16 year old donors need a DeGowin Consent Form filled out by a parent or legal guardian. You will hand this form to registration when you come to donate.
  • Eat a FULL meal within 4 hours before donating.
  • Drink plenty of fluids before donating.
    • Please Note: It is important to be well hydrated and it is recommended to increase the amount of salt in your diet the day prior to donating.
  • Be in general good health.
  • Blood donation intervals are based on your age:
    • 16-17: Every 20 weeks - 18-24: Every 16 weeks - 25 and Older: Every 8 weeks
  • Platelets can be donated every 7 days but no more than 24 times in a rolling one-year period.
  • Bring a list of current medications.
  • Bring a list of places visited outside the United States, including dates traveled.
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds.
  • Cold & flu– symptom free for 5 days.
  • The flu shot is not a deferral.
  • Tattoos & Piercings are not a deferral if you received them at a regulated facility and they are healed.
  • Dental work and surgeries might not defer you.
  • Donors should expect the blood donation process to take approximately 45-60 minutes. May take longer if the drive gets busy!

Check with DeGowin before deferring yourself. You just might be eligible! If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, please call the University of Iowa DeGowin Blood Center at (319) 356-2058 or visit our website at uihc.org/degowin.

To everyone that donates, helps promote donating and supports what we do, thank you so much! All of us at DeGowin sincerely appreciate your help so that we can continue to meet the needs of the patients at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics and UI Stead Family Children's Hospital.


Official Website of the City of Swisher, Iowa ~ 66 2nd St. SW ~ 319.857.4539